Friday, February 8, 2013

you is smart you is kind you is important

The other day I decided I should probably create my valentines. This was the results...a water colored ode to The Help. I took a quote from that fantastic novel and wrote it over some paper I water colored various shades of pink. I really think the final results came out quiet lovely. After they finished drying I wrote little messages on the back of my cards along with the destined address and sent them out as a valentines postcard! If you'd like to recreate this idea it is quite simple....

watercolor paper cut to your desired size
assorted watercolors
paint brush
black ink pin of course any color will do

I just wet my paper and painted on the colors of my choice, tilting the paper in various directions to let the colors flow around the paper. Once my paper was dried I just wrote the quote out. I went back in and colored in the hearts with a dark red. Pretty easy! Here's to hoping you have a wonderful valentines surrounded with love.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

quilting wars

Today is the day, I finally begin the process of quilting. I have been putting this off for over a year, with the excuse of I needed to collect my fabric. Well my fabric pile is quite thick and the washing and pressing has taken place. The pattern has been chosen and the dimensions have been determined. Next step the cutting! Hopefully it isn't as bad as I'm making it out to be...

cross-stitch phone case

For Christmas my wonderful cousin gave me one of these fantastic cross-stitch phone cases.  I was so excited to receive it and knew exactly what design I wanted to recreate.  The Purl Bee has a fantastic post about a herringbone pattern that I just absolutely adore.  Instead of producing the same two tone color scheme I decided to add a bit of variety to my stitches.  I decided a monotone ombre theme would be fun to interpret.  I believe the finished product turned out pretty neat! I think these cases are a fantastic creative outlet and definitely allow you to personal your phone case, how fun!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

it is a new day

     Today is a new day.

     Today I begin writing again....

     After more than a year of not writing, not playing music, not doing anything remotely crafty. I begin anew. This year should be as such. After much change this past year and my reclusiveness towards anything I love, I have determined this behavior must change....